Odlaganje redovne godišnje skupštine Udruženja
ЧЛАНОВИМА СКУПШТИНЕ УДРУЖЕЊА “ФУЛБРАЈТ И ПРИЈАТЕЉИ” Предмет: Одлагање редовне годишње скупштине Удружења У Београду, 5. новембра 2020. Поштовани чланови удружења, редовна годишња скупштина нашег Удружења требало је да у складу са чланом 7.2 Статута буде одржана у децембру ове године и да уједно буде и изборна, будући да изабраним органима тада истиче двогодишњи мандат. Суочени са […]
UDRUŽENJE “FULBRAJT I PRIJATELJI” RASPISUJE KONKURS za dodelu NAGRADE ZA PROFESIONALNU IZVRSNOST „PREDVODNIK / PREDVODNICA“ 2020. Beograd, 30. jun 2020. Nagrada „Predvodnik / Predvodnica“ ustanovljena je sa ciljem afirmacije izvrsnosti u razvoju nauke i istraživanja, unapređenja struke ili profesije, kao i promocije pozitivnih društvenih promena. Nagrada se dodeljuje za dostignuća u kalendarskoj 2019. godini. Kandidatkinje […]
Fulbright Almanac
[gview file=”http://fulbright.org.rs/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Fulbright_Almanac.pdf”]
Srbiji potrebna pomoć!
Donacije za pomoć ugroženima Kako da donirate novac? Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije saopštilo je da svi zainteresovani koji žele da upute pomoć ugroženima u vanrednoj situaciji mogu da uplate novac na namenski dinarski predračun Vlade Srbije. Broj dinarskog predračuna je 840-3546721-89, svrha uplate: za otklanjanje vanrednih okolnosti – poplave. Instrukcije za devizni žiro račun […]
FULBRIGHT VISITING SCHOLAR PROGRAM COMPETITION FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-2015 IS NOW OPEN Application Deadline: NOVEMBER 22, 2013 The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for the 2014-2015 academic year. The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program is a non-degree post-doctoral award program for junior […]
Maintenance Stands
On 3. June in “Kolaracev narodni univerzitet” professional public debate was held over the issue of Ranking of the universities in world and Serbia. The key speaker is prof.dr Sima Avramovic dean of law faculty and former president of the association who is well into this theme, Assistant to the Minister of education and science […]
Held elective assembly
On December 26th 2012 in the premises of the Fulbright Alumni association of Serbia, Decanska 12, electoral asembly for new management board and president of the associatioan on a year term was held. After the assembly, guests and members of the association attended a new year coctail party. Newly elected president of the association is […]
Annual Conference of the Fulbright Alumni Association in Washington, DC
The Vice-president of the Association, Dejan Erić, attended the Fulbright Association’s 26th Annual Conference and the 2003 Fulbright Prize Ceremony and Reception held on October 31, – November 2, 2003 in Washington, DC. The theme of the Conference was “Fulbright Exchanges: Advancing Knowledge and Mutual Understanding” and more than 200 participants from over 20 countries […]